Monday, January 31, 2011

Life In a Day

lifeinaday YouTube has created a snapshot of the entire world’s life in a day. The idea was for people to record and send clips on the 24th July, 2010 on YouTube. It was an experiment in which literally thousands contributed. Over 80,000 clips and 4500 hours of footage were edited to put together a 90-minute documentary about life in one single day across the world. This video will be Sundance Festival 2011.

Go to this YouTube channel for details and videos

Watch this small teaser from Life In a Day YouTube Channel

Video : Life in a day preview

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Use Disposable Email Address

disposable Usually, every site on internet asks you to register to get into it, and you got to give your email address in the registration forms, which in turn sends you a verification email.No matter how useful the site is in the long run for you, you will need to register with your email to enter into it, for time being at least. This wont stop there.. you will keep on receiving spam emails, forever.

To avoid all these hassles,you can use a disposable email address, for random websites that ask your email address. is a disposable email service that comes up with one such free solution.

No Signup is required here. Anytime you are prompted to enter a email address on a website, enter a random word ( example: )

If you need to check the email sent from the Website, simply navigate to and enter the random email address you used on the Web site. There is no password—the address’ received email is completely public. Obviously, you should make sure no personal data is transmitted in this method.


Video: Use Disposable Email Address

Well, there is more. To have Pepbot automatically click verification links for you, simply end your random email address with –a. So, use an address like and forget about verification links all together

A little respect please!


Murderer! Butcher! Killer! Traitor!

default Brilliant labels aren’t they? Now I am not a violent person so please do not be alarmed! These are the exact words that come to my mind when someone is fantastically attacking the English language, cutting it into a million shreds and then getting away with it.

Language is something that we humans created out of necessity. If not for language then how in the world are we supposed to communicate??? If for instance, there was no language that existed, what then? Would we still be savages tearing each other up in order to survive? And all because of no means of communication? Can’t it be inferred that language is a necessity? If that is so, then WHY can we not respect it?

We humans tend to take most things that come to us naturally for granted. Language included. Maybe that is why people do not make sense of what they are saying and get away with it.

English – a universal language. Everyone recognizes it. Most of us speak it. Then why can we not make a little more effort and try and speak or write it well? It is such a beautiful language. I just took English as an example here. Any language is beautiful if you try and make an effort to speak it a little more clearly!

Language is a part of the human heritage. It was in its purest form when it first came into being. Now it has just mutated into several unrecognizable, crude forms that is a little harsh on the ears. A little disheartening to those who have a passion towards language I must say.

The printed/spoken word is a very powerful thing. It has the strength to move nations. And all because of the usage of the language. Many a nation has risen and fallen due to the mightiness of the words. Many a hero has walked to victory with the help of words that reach into the hearts of those around. These men and women have had nothing but the power of the language that they spoke to reach their goal. It is by the way they spoke that they attracted attention towards them and did what they had to do.

We do know all of this. That is the irony of the whole thing. Yet we tend to treat language as something that is not much importance and riddled with dirt. Why? Can a little effort go a long way in interesting us in cleaning up our language? If anyone has noticed, clean language automatically leads to a clean mind. No need for self-help books when such a little thing can be done all by ourselves!

I know this article got a little preachy and long. But I needed to get it all out! Cannot bring it out in installments you see! Just let us not forget that language is something that we use every moment of our waking life and most times even in our dreams. A tweak here and a tweak there in what and how we speak can go a long, long way! We created words ourselves… so let us also earn the credit for using it!

A little respect please!



Thursday, January 27, 2011

How to save your Facebook Data

Facebook has a feature, which allows to save (take a backup) all your facebook data, like your albums, videos, wall posts and comments.

If you are a Facebook freak, you might have used this feature already, if u didn’t, you should find this useful.

Go to Account – Account Settings and click on Download Your Information. Once you are done, Facebook sends you a mail(Usually takes about a day) with the download link, saying that your data is ready to download.

Following that link, you should be able to download all your information, to your local disk. Watch this video details.

Video: How to save your Facebook data.

Monday, January 24, 2011


My parents have been shopping a groom for me from the past 11 months to no avail. And it’s driving me nuts!!!

Seriously, it is definitely like shopping. You go looking for a white shirt and all you find are shirts in any other color than white. So you search and search and search. And when you do find the perfect white shirt, it turns out to be a different size after all! Not made for you!! Ugh! Quite irritating!

Over the past 10 months, I have sent my horoscope and photos to exactly 96 guys (the number as of today!). These are just through email. There have been others through post and references and marriage bureaus etc! Not one… not even one has gone through! Either the horoscopes do not match or the guy is not ok, or the guy does not find me ok. God!

Sometimes, when the horoscopes do match and the guy comes home to see me, it gets real hilarious. Especially with the guys’ mothers. There are some real characters there.

There was this guy who had come home whose mum just sat in one corner glaring at the floor with the angriest expression on her face. She did not utter a single word through out the two hours they were at my place. Not even a hello! Then there was this other guy’s mum, she wanted to see inside every room inside de house and open every single wardrobe and peer inside. She even wanted to see inside al the kitchen storage containers but her embarrassed husband pulled her away in time. Another one was a mom who just kept nodding her head to anything and everything you say but will not make a sound. You keep talking and her head will keep on bobbing up and down. I literally had to escape to the kitchen to keep from laughing during these visits from the guy’s side!

Then there are the rejections. Are looks the only thing that is seen in a guy or a girl??? I mean come on, I know am fat, but why is that the only reason guys have to reject me? Fine! You want a slim, fair chick? What are the chances that she wont put on weight or lose hair or turn out to be entirely different than what you thought of her in the first place after marriage? Have any guarantee of that? And what if YOU go bald or fat?? What then? Come on, give me some reasons to reject you guys too apart from ego and a super desire to have a beauty queen as your wife! Let me also reject be and have some of the fun!

Now to top the list, one word: “ASTROLOGERS”.

My horoscope must be lying wasted in a dozen drawers at a dozen astrologers’ houses. All of these astrologers say things that are different from each other’s opinions. Then there are the n number of poojas to be done and even more holy places to visit. It’s gotten to be so much that I have started to feel like I am a senior citizen on a pilgrimage in my old age! Hope God understands the tangled predictions of so many astrologers and weaves some sense out of it!

My parents are ready to weep happy tears the moment I keep my foot in my husband’s house. My relatives are just waiting for me to tie the knot, though I have no clue as to what are they going to gain by that! The only glitch is that there is no groom… yet (yay!). Looks like its going to be quite a long process still. My parents are getting disappointed by the day to be frank. So much for all the predictions according to which I was supposed to be married about 6 months ago. As for me… for all am concerned, my knight shining armor, the man of my parents’ dreams, their model son-in-law, can take all the time in the world to knock on my door! 


Chira Kaushik

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Browse Web from your email is an extremely useful online tool, that lets you browse any web site right form your email.

All that you need to do is send them an email (, with the url of the webpage you wanted to read, in the body of your mail. You will get that page in reply, as pdf document.The converted PDFs not only retain the layout and content,  but also the hyperlinks and thus you may fetch other internal pages as well using email itself.

Technorati Tags: ,,,,
Blogger Labels: Browse,tool,PDFs,Enter,caption

Saturday, January 22, 2011


“Man” is nothing but the byproduct of his thoughts and actions. Every creature in this world does not get an opportunity to think & act . The almighty has bestowed this wonderful gift to humans. Our thoughts can make/break us. It can take a man UP to the TOP in the ladder of success or can drown him! Good thoughts when implemented as actions bear fruitful outcomes. A child gets influenced by various aspects of life. As it grows, it learns from its environment, people around it and earns knowledge, develops thoughts and puts it into action . So these influencing factors contribute a lot to the growth of human. Thoughts should have a good purpose and must lead to the betterment of human beings. Action on the thoughts should move simultaneously so as to achieve the required level of goal.

Wrong thoughts in man will harm himself and the people around him. It is not wrong to develop a habit. But Habit maketh man. Habit if not resisted soon becomes a necessity. So if we nurture right thinking throughout our life, and are noble in our deeds, life finds its meaning. Failure is never fatal, and success is never final. There are always chances to usher up at any point of life if there is a strong WILL. It is a life with certain principles, and purposes with good intention that will make a man. It is just not the aptitude, but attitude determines a man’s altitude. So with right attitude, good aptitude with a focused aim one can reach his target.

There is talent and ability, in every human. It needs to be polished in the right direction so that as it develops it will result in finer outcomes which in turn leads to the development of an individual as well as the nation.


Rashmi Rao

PC Suite for your China Phone.

China mobiles have become quite popular and every one of us owns one.

If you are looking for a Interface tool between your China Mobile and PC, I have it here.

This PC Suite, suits almost all china mobiles and easy to use.

Download PC Suite for China Mobile

If you are connecting it with Cable, just connect your mobile and run the application. If you are connecting it with Bluetooth, Select the right COM port in the settings

Video : China Mobile PC Suite

Leave your comments

Friday, January 21, 2011

Think before you Print

printerThis post will showcase two very simple yet useful printing tools, which you might be unaware of

1.Save as WWF; Save Environment

WWF is new file format that is aimed at saving trees and protecting the environment. When a document is stored in this format, the document can be printed. “CAN NOT BE PRINTED” is what makes it environment friendly.

All that you need is to install this small file in your computer. This creates a Virtual printer in your machine.

Open the document or picture you want to save as .wwf and go to print, select Save as wwf as your printer and click print.

your document is ready for sharing and its print proof.

This document can be opened with any other pdf viewer. so no hassles of installing software's to open it

Video: Save as WWF


2.Print What you want is a online tool which enables you to either print or save the webpage; but only with the content that matters to you.

With this tool, you can avoid unnecessary banners and ad’s that usually comes up with the information that matters to you, when you print a webpage.

Just to go and enter the URL of your webpage. Choose what you need from the page and either save it as pdf or print it to paper directly. This way, you can save paper and ink by avoiding unnecessary stuff on your prints.

Video: Print What You Like .com
Technorati Tags: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Blogger Labels: Think,Print,showcase,Save,Environment,trees,computer,Virtual,printer,machine,Open,viewer,Video,Printwhatyoulike,tool,Just,Choose,supports,paper,options,webpage

Life has been the best teacher one can ever have.!!!

That statement is such a Cliché.

I would say Google is the best teacher one can ever get and that I have learnt over experience.

clip_image002I have learnt everything from a cure for a “common cold” to how to make out of the world “a chicken curry”.

It was something that was always there with me to help me during my pregnancy and sail comfortably through my post partum blues and handle mother hood with elan.

For a first time mother I became a pro at handling my baby.

It taught me not to panick during my labour and not to get hyper if my baby dint have her food.

I have even learned how to manage time between a husband who works in the nights and sleeps in the day to a baby who sleeps in the night and is all awake during the day.

clip_image004And the cherry on the cake is that I have become a chef on par who can whip up really amazing food “coming from your hubby who is an amazing chef is wonderful”.

It has tought me time management, kitchen management and life management.

And today I am a working mom and my hubby still works in the nights.

Almost three years of marriage I have managed to sail through all this and much more.

It was no cake walk though but I have managed and as they say I have passed with flying colours.

The exam is never ending though but I know I would be an out standing student J All thanks to My Teacher.



Anu Bhavani Rao

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Browse your body Online


Google has many products which most of us aren’t aware of. One  among those is Google Body Browser with the tagline “ Human Body As Never Seen Before”.

The Google Lab product let’s you browse the human body on the basis of several anatomical features (I am basically an Engineer,so expecting you to pardon my terminology) like muscles, organs, bones etc.

The navigation is pretty much like Google Maps, but three dimensional. Seeing the human anatomy in three dimension is first-of-its-kind experience, and till now only folks from  medicine background would have had it

All that you need is a Web browser that supports WebGL ( Web Graphics Library, a HTML element that provides a 3D graphics application programming interface, implemented in a web browser ) which allows 3D graphics inside of webpages.

So where do you get WebGL enabled browser?

The Easiest way is to go for Chrome Beta with WebGL from here. You also have other browsers like Mozilla and WebKit nightly

Now that you have a browser enabled with WebGL, lets experience our Human Autonomy in 3D with Google Body Browser


Video: Google Body Browser

Thanks to Google for showing us, ourselves

Leave your comments on this.

Technorati Tags: Browse,Body,Google,products,Browser,Human,product,basis,features,Engineer,terminology,muscles,bones,navigation,anatomy,dimension,folks,medicine,background,supports,WebGL,Graphics,Library,HTML,element,interface,Easiest,Chrome,Beta,Mozilla,WebKit,Autonomy,Video,Demo,Thanks,Leave,comments,three

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BRILIANCE OF THE HUMAN MIND… or is it stupidity???


“The biggest misconception people have about me is that I'm stupid.” ~ Billy Idol

Can anyone honestly, without lying (even to themselves) answer this?

Have you ever looked at a person and not formed an immediate judgment about him/her? Have you ever seen a person and just liked or disliked them on first sight?? What is it about people that makes one jump to abrupt conclusions without even bothering to know that person?

Lots of questions about one small topic! Phew! But this is one never ending circle…

Think about this: You have been talking to a friend and one fine day, you get to know that the person never liked you at all and thought you were very opportunistic. How would you feel? Would you not wish at that time that you had realized that earlier and therefore, could have cleared the air much, much before? Would it not save you a lot of hurt and heart-ache?

This is just one small example of having a misconception. I can give hundreds more and still not tire of it!

Why make judgments at all? Is it necessary to form opinions? Can we not just take a person as he/she is and move on? Life would be so much easier if accomplish this much! I can just about picture the scenario where-in people are with each other, with no fights happening, no misunderstandings, no anything wrong happening! Kinda makes me wonder if it would in some way take a little of the spice away from life… the melodrama of it all. Life in the end would just end up being peaceful, serene… and stagnant. No variation whatsoever.

Whoever made man (and woman of course!) has created the mental make-up very thoughtfully. The range of emotions that can be found in a human being is staggering. I just can’t seem to make my mind up as to whether these emotions will be the boon or the bane of us! Half of the historical events seem to have happened based on misconceptions created by the human mind and it looks like it will continue to do so.

Some great man said “History repeats”. Alas! How true! The reason for it? People thinking that the other person in front of them is stupid. Again. And again. And again. So obviously: History does repeat!

Come up with something new people! Aren’t you all tired off the same old wars, same old debates? It’s time for a major shift in our thinking and an even more major shift in the way we live! We need it big time! Bring in the change. People will argue for a couple of days and then get used to it.

If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.  ~Mary Engelbreit

Isn’t is true??? Think about it and do post your comments if it gets your brain ticking!


  Written by

 chira 3

Contact Chira

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

9 Interesting Things you might have missed


1.Sarcastically ask someone to google about it

Ever Wanted to answer someone sarcastically to google their query ? Well, here is a simple way to do it.

Go to ( stands for Let Me Google That For You) and type your query.  Copy the url and give it to the person. creates a small web clip and at the end, it redetects to the google search with query you have entered. Have a look at this video to know how it works.

Video: Ask Someone to sarcastically google it by themselves

2.Google can shorten your web page links.

This would be helpful when you are sharing a big web link web link or when you doesn’t want the other person to guess the topic the moment he sees the words in link.

Go to to shorten your links..

Video: Google URL Shortening


3. Login into multiple Gmail id’s at once

There is a pretty simple way to enable you to login into multiple Gtalk id’s at the same time. (Multiple instincts of Gtalk)

go to properties of your gtalk shortcut, in target text box, add /nomutex at the end; see this video for more details

Video: Login into Multiple Google Talk id’s at the same time


4. Time Scale on Google earth

Ever wanted to see how a places used to look like about a ten years go? Now you can do it with Google earth. The latest version of google earth has a feature called time scale.

Lets take a look at Aral Sea on time scale of two decades.

Video: Time Scale Option in Google.


5. Find Similar Websites

This would be helpful if you are looking for another couple of sites, which have similar content to the one which you are currently browsing (say I am currently visiting and am interested in knowing what are the other video hosting sites) Install this extension in your Google chrome and see this video on how to do it.


6. Schedule a email in your gmail.

Boomerang is an adon for Gmail, which enables you to schedule a mail. This will be useful to send Birthday wishes, to send mails to people who are particular about “when you had sent that mail” (like bosses). See this video about installing and using it.

Video: Schedule your mail on Gmail


7. Reverse Image Search

Ever had an image and wanted to find something similar on net? now you can do it with Here you can upload an image from your hard disk or give image url from web and search for the similar existing images on the internet.


8. Search people is a site where in you can search about people. Site is pretty simple and self explanatory. Its just that most of us doesn’t know about it. You can try finding similar sites or let me google that for you


9. Protect your Chrome Browser with Simple Startup Password

If you want to dig the history of a person, dig the history of his web browser and you will know what kind of person he or she is. All the data in a browser like saved passwords, bookmarks, history are very confidential stuffs and any unauthorized access to these can be fatal. If you are a chrome user you can now safeguard your data by protecting it with a password using Simple Startup Password extension.

You can get it from here ; and this is how it works

Video: Startup password for your Chrome

NOTE:- u cant reset the forgotten password & while entering the password, it wont be masked.

Please leave your comments on this

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Make the most out of Chrome

I found this cool extension while googling [I don’t know if this word exists in official English, but my word web dictionary has this included in it :) ] about Google Chrome.

Its called Chrome Tool Box and you can download it here for free

Once installed this enables the following features on your chrome browser
  • Warns you before closing your Chrome Browser; like this
  • Magnifying any image on web, you can also it as your wallpaper directly; see here
  • Drag any video on a web page (Flash and HTML5 video) out of the page in its own stand-alone window, closing the window puts it back to the original page, both with play state reservation; this way
  • Mute all tabs ( Will help you muting and unmuting the sounds from any media files playing in your chrome browser); screenshot
  • and many other features
These are few other chrome extensions you might want to take a look at
  • Facebook Friend Exporter; Get it here
  • Yoono web; keeps all your social networking sites at one place; get it here
  • ChromeTV; get it here
  • Google Books; from here
  • 3DTin; for 3D modeling right from your browser; get it here
Chrome web browser has been a huge success for Google, at least after its utter flop applications like wave, Google Video, Google Buzz, Orkut ( I would categorize it into a semi failed segment.. see this), Friend Connect, Page creator, Google Lively, Google Konl and Google Health.

Long live Google Chrome; and lets optimize our internet experience by spending few seconds, installing the required extensions.

Pls feel free to suggest or post your favorites in the comments section

Monday, January 10, 2011

Got a good exchange deal for my girl..

Sitting idle in the room bored of watching movies, I really couldn’t resist thoughts about my girlfriend, whom I recently sold off for a nice deal. So I thought I would at least write a post on her.

Three years ago, I met her in my PGDIM College. Things where going smooth between us till the end. She was completely adjusting. I should admit that I used her to the extent that, she could have filed a case against me for physically abusing her every day since she fell into my geek hands. I remember the night when I made her stay awake, trying to fit in apple into her. To describe her, she was really hot. Nice features with 1.63 core2 dueo processor and 3GB RAM. Her name is HP 520.

Somehow, sine a couple of months, I started feeling that I should find a young new girl, though I love my HP 520 so much *tears*. After all, I was in relation with her for three continuous days. We used to sleep together and there were many days, where in she was awake to see me asleep. But as they say, everything has to end at some point of time..

So finally, I decided to sell it off or exchange it (coz if I keep one more computer on the attic at home, I know it for sure that my dad wouldn’t hesitate to kill me) for a new one and this time I have decided to go with a mini computer, since I almost crossed the stage of playing games and watching movies on laptop screens. I am literally am fed up downloading all the software’s and trying different operating systems.

And that big moment had finally come on 6th Jan. I gave my lovely lady to the shop person and got a new chick at an impressive deal with the help of my brother, Malli.. but unfortunately, due to his busy schedule, he wasn't there when I got my new chick (Lenovo Mini.) into my hands.

I wonder if the shop person is going to sell it to someone ( if so, I pray to god that its next owner should take good care of it, unlike me) or if he is going to dismantle it for spare parts ( if this happens *tears*, may its soul rest in peace! Amen!!). Being the one, who slept with it for almost three years, I guess the Second option is the best possible way.

Anyways miss u HP 520 :( . But my new chick is damn sexy and super small. I am really loving every inch of it, of course its only 10 inches in size and ultra light in weight.. :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Introspection

Today in the morning when I was sitting idle in  my office, I felt the necessity for a small introspecting session for myself.
I got little busy in a while and somehow postponed it to the evening.
When I came to my room in the evening, my friend and Engineering classmate, Rajesh was back from Chennai and he tempted me for a vodka session. I couldn’t resist much.. after all, its hard to resist a girl calling for a date and a vodka bottle calling for a mate..
So.. now that I am semi drunk, I am going to be very precise in rating my self.
Rather than writing paragraphs, and stanzas, I thought I would quantify myself and the product of my thought is the below table.
I picked a dozen qualities or areas in me, which I feel will effect our lifestyle and outlook.


2011 (1) 3g (1) ads (1) airtel (1) allah (1) andriod (1) Android (1) Anna Hazare (2) arabs (1) beggars (1) bing (1) bird sanctuary (1) blackberry (2) business (1) buying (1) cancer (1) caste (1) christianity (1) cigarette (1) constitution (1) Corruption (1) Delhi police (2) docomo (1) dowry (1) duff beer (1) education (1) facebook (1) god (1) google (3) how (1) Hyderabad (1) India (1) india.isupportannahazare (1) instagram (1) Iphone (1) Italy (1) job (1) KCR (1) Kiran bedi (2) lg (1) life (1) lokpal (1) look (1) love (1) Manmohan Singh (1) maps (1) market (1) market place (1) marriage (1) Microsoft (1) mobile (2) money (1) nelapattu (1) Nokia (1) old (2) other (2) pelican (1) people (1) photo (1) photography (1) plus (1) PM (1) PM and EVM (2) poverty (1) pulicat (1) quit (1) religion (1) search (1) Simpsons (1) smart phone (1) smoking (1) success (1) surfexcel (1) Telangana (1) top ten (1) user (1) vodafone (1) widget (1) windows (1)